EID in the time of Corona

Eid Al Fitr is around the corner. 

The traditional celebration marking the end of Islam’s holy Ramadan, will be quite nontraditional this year.  

This time there will be no gathering in large groups, or visiting friends and loved ones. But what this Eid lacks in convention, we can make up for in compassion.  

Doesn’t matter the religion we belong to or what we believe in; some things are universal. Core values like empathy and humility. These are the touchstones of our humanity.  

Greed, hypocrisy and the judging of others; there’s no need for any of that. This Eid we have the opportunity to ditch the uglier side of ourselves, and make room for more of the beautiful things we share in common.  

I don’t mean to preach. That would be boring and presumptive. Besides, I know none of this is new to you.

I simply hope that we all take a moment this Eid to improve something in ourselves. Something that can make us each a better human.

I wish you all an (early) Eid Mbarak

Ayman Alashkar
Co-Founder & CEO – OVERWRITE.ai

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