It’s For SALE, Stupid! An Estate Agent’s Story

Every real estate agent has encountered their share of challenging Clients, each presenting unique hurdles to overcome.

Take a look at this story shared by a real estate agent in the USA.

Phone Rings. 

I answer.

A guy is calling from a listing sign, and he doesn’t know where he is. 

He can’t read the agency name — he blames the sign — and he can’t describe the property for crap. He starts getting really impatient with me, but I finally get enough information to McGyver his location by intuition and the hard science of assuming he’s looking at one of our cheapest listings because of his demeanor. I am right, and after I answer his basic questions about the home’s layout, this conversation ensues.

Caller: “How much is the rent? I’m interested in making it my home.”

Me: “Sir, the house is not for rent. You can only buy it.”

Caller: “Well, that’s dumb. Why did you put the sign here, then?”

Me: “I’m not the agent listing the house. [Agent] is out of the office, but the sign clearly says, ‘For sale,’ with the number to get assistance right away.”

Caller: “That’s why I called. I want the house, and I’ll pay rent on time.”

This goes around and around, with me using analogies comparing buying versus leasing in other situations like cars and equipment. Trying to make him understand makes it worse.

Me: “If you really like it, I will have an agent get in touch with you to show you the inside and explain the buying process. Remember, though, it can’t be rented. The owner only wants to sell it.”

Caller: “Look, idiot, I know this may be hard for you to understand, but I just want to rent it. I think I can come up with the $130,000, but I need to know what the rent will be after that. It shouldn’t be hard for an educated person to figure out.”

I once again try to explain loans, mortgages, and buying a home.

Caller: “So, what happens after I come up with the money? I won’t get a loan like you tried to sell me on; that sounds like a scam, and I don’t want to pay rent to a bank. What will I be paying per month, and who do I pay it to?”

Me: “So, you’re wanting to buy the house for cash? And now you want an estimate of the monthly costs? Is that right?”

I start pulling up Excel to estimate closing costs and taxes.

Caller: “Yes, finally, you understand. I need to know what the rent will be.”

Me: “That is not called rent. Those are monthly expenses, not rent. If you pay cash to buy the house, you won’t have a rent payment; you’ll be the home’s owner. You’ll only pay the taxes and utilities if you occupy it, and you’ll have to pay closing costs and title insurance.”

Caller: “So, you mean if I pay cash, I won’t pay rent? Just that other stuff? What about cable?”

Me: “That’s up to you. Nobody is forcing cable on you.”

Caller: “This sounds great. Tell me more. This will be cheaper than I thought.”

Me: “Is this a joke? This is [My Boss], right? You’re hazing me or something?”

Caller: “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Back to cable…”

Me: “You can hire a company to mow your lawn, get a satellite dish, or anything you want as long as it’s not illegal or against neighborhood rules. It’s your house to decide what services you want.”

Caller: “Those are great ideas. And I’m going to rent this house. You are smarter than I thought. God bless you, son. Jesus loves you. Praise the Lord, I can retire!” *Hangs up*

In this story lies a reflection of the challenges and triumphs that define the daily lives of real estate professionals and it serves as a reminder of the importance of patience, communication skills, and adaptability required to guide clients through the intricacies of property transactions.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of and its owners.

This story has been published from Not Always Right on July 2023.

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