Neckties and Ice Cream

Once upon a time there was a rookie salesman who, like many others, was preoccupied with the brand of car he drove. How crisp his shirt was. How straight the cut of his suit. How spotless his shoes. And how perfect the knot on his necktie.

One day he was running late for a client meeting. So he stopped to buy ice creams for the client’s children.

100,000 hours later, he met the same client again.

“You bought us ice creams” the now teenage children recalled, as their parents looked on, smiling.

There was no mention of the necktie he’d worn.

100,000 hours of more sales experience, didn’t create that client connection. Nor did all the neat shirts, shiny shoes and tailored suits.

That impulse of grabbing ice creams for a pair of children he hardly knew, did.

More Mileage Please

Your career gets more mileage from your genuine acts of kindness, than from all the Teslas you can buy. is an AI-assisted content creator that helps real estate agents instantly curate unique and search-optimised property marketing descriptions. 

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