The Ten Most Common and Cringe-worthy Real Estate Typos 😖

Everyone makes typos. Even the best writers can do it. And plenty of us suffer dyslexia. But when real estate agents are entrusted to sell properties worth millions of dollars, there really is no excuse for not paying attention to the smallest detail. Especially with the range of technologies out there that can help.

Some blunders you simply can’t ignore. The ones that cause clients to doubt an agent’s professionalism, and reflect poorly on the agency they represent. These typos are very awkward because they are so very public.

One place where these awkward misprints are usually found is in a property’s public listing description.

Any experienced agent will tell you that the property writeup is a critical part of the listing process. An engaging description will not only set you apart from other agents and their marketing. It will serve to hook prospective leads and set you up with that all-important client relationship.

We’ve assembled a list of the most common slipups found in real estate write-ups.

Cut To Bloopers


Don’t be the reason to build a wall between you and your client – it should be ‘separate’


It’s a mouthful alright – it should be ‘accommodation’


Remember who said it first – it should be ‘formerly‘ 


Principles are for theoretical physicists. For foremost features – it should be ‘principal‘

5. DUEL …

Let’s hope there are no fights to settle – it should be ‘dual’


If you want to remain in demand, don’t make this mistake – it should be ‘sought-after’


Best to not get in trouble with the law – it should be ‘steel’


Sloppy errors will have you singled out – it should be ‘independent’


Is this really the ‘extent’ of your spelling skills? – it should be ‘extension’

10. VOLTED …

You could be in for a shock if you get this one wrong – when it should be ‘vaulted’

Heads Will Roll

Like we said, even the best writers make mistakes. Sometimes they’re so calamitous that somebody’s head simply has to roll.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the glaring typo on President Trump’s inauguration poster. The poster with “No dream is too big, no challenge is to great” appeared on the Library of Congress’ online store (it has since been removed and possibly the PR team fired at the time).

But the mistake made it past several eyes before the executive team noticed it. The damage was done. And of course, social media went wild. It was too good for us not to share as a reminder.

Saving Face

Whilst we’re all human and make mistakes, clients are within their rights to expect their agent to cross every ‘t’ and dot every ‘i’ when transacting their home. Sometimes the typos or grammos go unnoticed but many of them do not. Although they may appear trivial, research has shown they can have a real impact on your credibility as a professional agent. There are plenty of other agents a client can choose from so why give them an excuse to shop around.

We’ve all made typos.
Perhaps not this publicly.

With the advent of real estate technologies like, estate agents can now call on innovative AI applications to draft property listings using engaging language, with no potential for errors in spelling or grammar. Saving time, money, and potential embarrassment! is a world first, user-friendly marketing solution that allows estate agents to instantly autowrite unique, search-optimised property descriptions, taking the boring out of the daily grind.

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